Friday, August 21, 2015

Four Little Ways to Reduce Waste and Save Money

When I was an idealistic high schooler, I'd pester my mother every time I saw her using a paper towel, or buying non-organic foods. I had just taken Environmental Science and thought I knew a LOT about saving the earth. And to a certain extent, I did. But boy did things change once I was running my own household. Suddenly, I realized that cloth diapers would be overwhelming for me, that paper towels were easier to use than kitchen towels, and that I couldn't always afford fair-trade, organic, cage-free, non-GMO foods.

Fast forward to now. I finally feel like I can breathe now that my youngest is almost potty-trained, saving me some extra cash and reducing some landfill waste! So here are some of my top picks for using reusables to both save cash and reduce waste:

--Trader Joe's super absorbent towels
These suckers last way better than paper towels and even normal cloth kitchen towels b/c they are SUPER absorbent! They are great for cleaning up the MULTIPLE puddle incidents that happen in my kitchen and bathroom on a daily basis. I wish I had seen them earlier. (Side note: The Mrs. Meyer's cleaner in the pic below is awesome!! A wonderful geranium smell encourages me to clean.)
Image result for trader joe's super absorbent cloths
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--Dive Cup
This little gal can save hundreds of dollars in sanitary pad money over the course of a year, about $360 for me!

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--Mama Cloths
For the slightly squeemish, or for those who have light and irregular spotting between periods, these are a nice option. (There are so many brands! This one is I Love My and they are very soft.)

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--Silicone Baking Sheet
I bake A LOT and go through rolls of parchment paper fast, so this is a great way to help slow things down in terms of trash. The silicone mat is supposed to be very easy to wash, so you don't find yourself scrubbing a burnt-on mess from the baking tray, or using a ton of grease.

Image result for silicone baking mat
photo credit:

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